How to manage Priority Matrix?
The newly created announcement will be shown on site only when the start time will come and will be hidden when it ends.
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How to create announcements?
Once you are in the app management, press the Create button, and the modal window will pop up
On the modal window fill in the fields.
Choose Announcement.
Choose if the announcement should be shown on Jira or Jira Service Management (JSM). You can always change it later.
If you choose JSM you have to select on which JSM project portal this will be shown. If you choose both, it will be seen on Jira Software as well as on the selected portal.
Select the announcement level (theme)
Select the Date range when the announcement should be shown. You may choose the start date and time as well as the end of it. Press OK to save the selected times.
Enter the Subject and the Text which will be shown on the site.
The announcement will be saved after the Submit button is pressed
How to find the Priority Matrix app in your instance ➡️ here. |
Compatible with company-managed project type only. Team-managed type projects currently are not supported.
App Configuration
Event Types: select which issue actions will fire the app to update the priority.
Project: select one or several projects to which the app will be applied.
Issue Type: select which issue types should be affected by the changes.
Custom field X: choose which field’s values should be in the matrix’s X axis.
Custom field Y: choose which field’s values should be in the matrix’s Y axis.
Matrix Configuration
Choose two custom fields for the X and Y axes correspondingly. The chosen fields' values will be added to the matrix on the corresponding axes.
For every Urgency and Severity value intersection select which Priority value should be set.
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You can choose from all fields on the instance so be sure those fields' contexts are set up properly for the project and issue type you want to use. |
This is an example of a complete set-up matrix:
Note that you can select a completely different matrix depending on your business case.
Matrix explained:
For every Urgency and Severity intersecting value, there is a priority chosen.
Each X and Y axes have Urgency and Severity values added to the matrix.
When on issue Creation or Updating the Urgency value is High and the Severity is Sev-3, the Priority will be set to Low, because this is the intersecting value in the chart.